Fire Protection Tanks
A great method for protecting your home or your business from fire, reduce potential damage, and keep occupants safe is by investing in a fire protection system.
High-Quality Protection
Our fire protection tanks are compliant with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). In addition to fire protection, we offer dual-purpose tanks which are approved for both fire protection use and potable water storage.
External fitting options can divert the additional water supply to maintain water levels that are required by local and governmental entities.
Safe and Reliable
Fire protection water tanks are manufactured to meet the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requirements for compliance. Our tanks are tested and proven to maintain a consistent water supply that you can rely on in the event of an emergency and for daily residential use.
Lakota Tank Company partners with manufacturers like Pioneer Water Tanks America to provide you with the highest quality tanks on the market. This video is of a Pioneer Water Tank that was tested with a 30-minute flame immersion test. The test was conducted by the Australian Government Bushfire Cooperative Research Center. The tank maintained structural integrity and proved able to retain water during and after the fire front, essential elements for a fire protection water supply.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a dual-use tank?
A dual-use tank is a storage tank that houses water for both fire suppression and other uses, such as drinking, bathing, irrigation, and more. Most regulations require a minimum water capacity to be available at all times for fire fighting purposes.
How do fire protection tanks work?
A fire protection water storage tank provides access to an alternative water source to extinguish a fire in a timely and safe manner.
The water storage tank volume is designed based on the calculated fire hazard risk to a particular building, dependent on the type of business, size of the building, and location. The NFPA provides requirements for this volume calculation.
Who should have a fire protection tank?
Requirements vary by location and the organization type and/or size. It is recommended that any rural homes and businesses have access to an alternative water source, as well as large commercial buildings such as hospitals, schools, and resorts/hotels. A fire protection tank is needed when the water supply from the local municipal water distribution system (assuming there is one nearby) isn’t adequate in quantity or pressure, defined as “fire flow”.
The best way to protect your home or your business from fire, reduce potential damage, and keep occupants safe, is by investing in a fire protection system.
What fire suppression regulations do I need to be aware of?
Regulations vary by location and project-type. However, tanks typically must comply with NFPA and AWWA standards.
What size of fire protection tank is best for me?
The required size of your fire protection water storage tank is calculated based on the estimated fire hazard risk to a particular building. This is dependent on the type of business, the size of the building, and the location. The NFPA provides requirements for this calculation of volume.
What is fire flow?
Fire flow is the quantity of water available for fire-protection purposes in excess of that water which is required for other purposes, such as drinking, bathing, irrigation, and more.
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